战斗系统 - 招架攻击

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Revision as of 09:49, 26 July 2008 by ZarK (talk | contribs) (新页面: When attacked, a saving throw. The opponent attempts to guard themselves from being hit. The values are calculated with the attributes listed below. <br> If the defender has configured th...)
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When attacked, a saving throw. The opponent attempts to guard themselves from being hit. The values are calculated with the attributes listed below.
If the defender has configured their defensive skills in the settings hero => settings => general => defense, the appropriate skill is used for the saving throw. Heroes may attempt saving throws with skills against melee, ranged, magic, and social attacks.
If no skill is specified, a skill level of 0 is used with the following attributes:

type 1st attribute 2nd attribute
melee attack: agility dexterity
ranged attack: agility perception
spell attack: willpower intelligence
social attack: willpower charisma
ambush: perception intelligence
activate trap: perception agility
explosion or blast: agility perception
force of nature: willpower agility
disease: constitution charisma
magic projectile attack: intelligence agility
curse attack: charisma willpower
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