World of Dungeons / 长老院/Palais / 通知与通告/Announcements / New update   主题已锁定
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玩家帐号: root
注册日期: 2004年03月13日

此贴的链接: [post:15928501]


I have just installed a new update with these changes:
  • The link to settings for automatically rejecting is now a button next to the other buttons.
  • Mentors can now change their gender and select a title.
  • The flag for groupitem can now be changed in storage.
  • Under 'News' tombola winnings are now printed with date.
  • There is a new bbCode to start ranking fights between heroes:
    [.code]alternate text[/code.]

Only for designer
  • In design editors, the preview is now open as a popup.
  • Bugfix: designers can now simulate set bonuses, while they have attracted the set.

Best regards,

2016年08月24日 22:48  

玩家帐号: root
注册日期: 2004年03月13日

此贴的链接: [post:15929505]


I have just installed a new update with these changes:

  • Bugfix: Tombola-Winnigs are now sorted by time
  • The Search for items or heroes can now be started via the keyboard
  • JS-Config: When overriding the default order the default now is preset from the general area.
  • JS-Config: Individual configuration pages can now be cached and pasted.
  • In Outbid messages to auctions now the ending date is specified.
  • Sales comment at auctions is now displayed in the details.
  • In battle reports all controlled heroes now are highlighted.
  • The town crier just always shows calling hero.
  • There is a new bbCode "spoiler". Texts in the forum and messages can be showed and hidden. The bbCode contains two possible parameters:
    'title="custom title" ' for a one-line display on the text.
    'hide=-' to "show" preset. See example below.

One-line title
Maybe hidden text, or not.

Best regards,

2016年09月10日 09:30  
页: 1
World of Dungeons / 长老院/Palais / 通知与通告/Announcements / New update
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